Personal Curriculum Vitae

Personal Curriculum Vitae
Marten Vijn, born 1967
This makes me happy… I like exploring, recognizing, meandering and discovering what is there, not necessarily what needs to be done. I like to be close and that I can still feel: I am me and you remain you. I love the truth, how truth resonates in the heart, and the heart returns words for refinement. I like to play with language, but not with spelling. I understand quite a lot about dyslexia, autism, intelligence, loneliness and being alone. I do understand a lot about fatherhood and co-parenting. I could help your co-parenting. If wished, my co-parent can also stepin. I can do a lot with persevering, taxing, overloading, limiting, letting go, expanding, being sensitive and powerful, charging and making space, integrating, also traveling to the stars and back. Listening and feeling what is needed or wants to happen, often even before there are words; call it intuitive or highly sensitive.
Regular education
I have worked in a nursing home and in hospitals and later in a rehabilitation center.
I co-founded Various community projects (establishing, building and managing) in addition to my regular work in the period of 2002-2018, such as: WirelessLeiden, OpenCommunityCamp and MakerspaceLeiden.
At the Center for Consiuous Orientation - an introduction to Internal Family Systems-
I attended the following courses: these trainings are given by Viram Verberk and Marie le Mahieu.
- Inner Voices Inner Guidance part 1 (2021), working with protective parts
- Inner Voices Inner Guidance part 2 (2022), working with the “unburdening” of banned parts.
- Deepening part 3 (2023), working with self like-parts.
I’ve been supervised by Viram Verberk, 2021 - 2023.
I’m a member of various ongoing IFS-practice groups (self-organizing).
Internal Family Systems:
- Internal Family Systems Institute Level 1 June 2023
- Internal Family Systems Institute Level 2 January 2024
Other trainings I completed at the IFS-institute are:
- Continuity Group:
- Direct Access: An Essential IFS Skill with Fran Booth (2023)
- Intent, Impact, and Intercultural Competence: How to Successfully Navigate Difference with Jory Agate, LMHC and Fatimah Finney, LMHC. (2023)
- Introdcution to Somatic IFS: An Embodied Approach to Healing Trauma with Susan McConnell. (2022)
- Online Circel (2021-2022)
Center for Tantra: (2015-present)
Completed training courses: Introduction week (2015), Vonk (2017), Like a God in Bali (2017), Tantra Training (2018-2022), Life and Death (2020). Currently I’m attending the Mystery School (2021-present) under the guidance of Carla Verberk and Remmelt van Kleef.
Diamond Heart Netherlands:
Red thread (2018), Diamond Heart Netherlands (2020-present), guided by Kyo Verberk and Marko Rinck, is a continuous group in the Ridhwan school. Within the school I currently have regular sessions with a teacher; Alex Adler.
Forest Movement (bosbeweging):
At the Forest Movement I signed up for these training sessions:
Primitive Survival 1 (2017) at the Forest Movement led by Jurjen, Tibbe, Renske
Primitive ability 1 and 2 (2021-2022) at Bos movement working with breath, cold and shamanism.
The Essence: (2004-2006)
I attended the following training courses at Essence (Humanication) in Amsterdam: Essence, Source, Source in Life, Symphony, Challenge, Beyond Doubt. These training courses are aimed at personal effectiveness, communication and project design. I assisted in various trainings.
Codes of the Heart
Over the years I have gained various experiences in different settings and facilitators with inner journeys with breathwork, ayahuasca and psilocibine.
Sources: (Essence)