Curriculum Vitae
Here you can find some more information about my history, two cv.’s. One is technical, the other one is about my personal and spiritual development trainings and education.
Here you can find some more information about my history, two cv.’s. One is technical, the other one is about my personal and spiritual development trainings and education.
2018 - Current :: Naturalis NBC Diversity is the nature of NBC. I have been working on storage (S3,NFS,CEPH), Kubernetes on-premise and AWS cloud, for workloads and high performance computation with GPU-clusters. Bringing up and maintaining a hardware test-lab. Building up Metal as a service using Ubuntu MAAS to provide destroy and deploy for CI/CD using GitLab. Being a helping hand setting up ansible (AWX) to drive projectors and power the exhibition via APIs and rest-gateway (PJlink and KNX). Generally helping with proper design principals and architecture. My current task is building a setup with CumulusLinux (NVidia) Switches to provision a scalable (north-south/east-west) network for high performance baremetal, computing (CPU+GPU), and Openstack Hypervisor services.
2014 - 2018 :: Divider B.V. Linux / Unix Engineer using Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, Centos and Solaris systems running on hardware and Xen virtualisation. As part of the devops team I am forfilling the role of deploying and maining platforms on a large scale using Ansible and other tools. Administration covers legacy maintaince as well as automated deployments. Co-designer of pilot for IoT platform to monitor power outages using KPN’s LoRaWan IoT network. For logging and monitoring I have recent experience with Zabbix, syslog, Logstash/Elasticsearch/Kibana and the use enterprise message brokers like Mosquitto (MQTT) and RabbitMQ. I am getting more and more familiar with python for connectors, parsers and api scripts. I write shell scripts for several common tasks in the unix landscape. I have good network skills.
2012 - current :: Stichting MakerSpace Leiden MakerSpace Leiden is a community driven, not-for-profit foundation providing workshops, tools and a social network for about 100 makers in de Leiden area. Besides administrating the makerspace infrastructure such as servers (FreeBSD/Debian), networks, wifi and LoRaWan, I gave workshops in arduino programming, Internet of Things (IoT) and metalworking. I was one of the driving forces in the Leiden Maker community finding ways to get things to work for the community. I was also a founder and chairman of the foundation for five years. As a member I make things like lamps, geodesic domes, IoT sensors and actuators.
2010-2014 :: ISSC, Leiden University Migration of smaller departments to central facilities, working on long term solutions based on open source and standards. Learning how to to operate in a large IT environment and evolving to ITIL3, Prince2 and Togaf enterpise architecture.
2007-2010 :: Mathematical Institute, Leiden University I designed, developed and implemented projects like: improving remote administration, a configuration and change management system, a layered security model. I introduced new technologies for the current high availability setup. Recent projects are a highly scalable desktop environment on Ubuntu Linux and a user satisfaction review. Daily tasks are the administration of 450 user accounts, (wireless) network, firewalls, 30 servers, 150 desktops using Linux and FreeBSD. I have set up a wiki server with documentation for administrators and users. I have organised a workshop on maintenance FreeBSD and NanoBSD for colleagues.
2005-2007 :: Space Research Organisation Nederlands Here I redesigned and deployed a mailserver setup to improve performance and decrease the amount of servers. I introduced a software version control system and a collaboration platform for colleagues. Daily tasks are the administration of 60 desktops and 30 servers on Debian Linux, backups, software and hardware updates.
2000-2002 :: Cultural Center de X I migrated a small office environment from Windows NT to Linux. I introduced firewalls, improved network performance and access control. Weekly administration tasks are backups and system updates.
1994-2006 :: Working in health care as physical and occupational therapist in nursing home, hospital and rehabilitation. My expertise is mainly in the treatment of brain damage and lower limb amputation.
2012 - 2018 :: Internet of Things Playing with and building IoT infrastructures using LoRaWan and WiFi, opening doors and enlightening workplaces.
2010-2011 :: RepRap 3D-printing A group of 5 technicians work on the RepRap project to build self replicating 3D-printers. My roles are organising, (re-)designing on impacting group processes to achieve a flow of progress and successes. I learn a lot about hardware, extrusion processes, embedded software (arduino) and electronics (atmel, stepper drivers and pcb-debugging). I am also involved in financial aspects and online documentation.
2008-2010 :: Network Event Kit (NEK) is a mobile network kit to deploy wireless network for events up to 1000 people, it is funded by NLnet. It is based on open source software and I do the design and development. Current development heads towards an open source wireless controller.
2005-2012 :: Open Community Camp (OCC) is a yearly camp for open source technicians. I am one of the founders and organisers of the OCC. We create a place to work and learn on a non-for-profit basis for about 70 people. My roles are chairman of the foundation, the planning and organisation, public relations, the speaker program, wireless network and giving workshops.
2001-2006 :: Wireless Leiden is a major community wireless network. Here I designed and deployed images for embedded systems, administration of routers, configuration and change management. I fulfilled tasks as designer, project leader, technical trainer and board member.
Marten Vijn, born 1967
This makes me happy… I like exploring, recognizing, meandering and discovering what is there, not necessarily what needs to be done. I like to be close and that I can still feel: I am me and you remain you. I love the truth, how truth resonates in the heart, and the heart returns words for refinement. I like to play with language, but not with spelling. I understand quite a lot about dyslexia, autism, intelligence, loneliness and being alone. I do understand a lot about fatherhood and co-parenting. I could help your co-parenting. If wished, my co-parent can also stepin. I can do a lot with persevering, taxing, overloading, limiting, letting go, expanding, being sensitive and powerful, charging and making space, integrating, also traveling to the stars and back. Listening and feeling what is needed or wants to happen, often even before there are words; call it intuitive or highly sensitive.
Physiotherapy (1994)
Occupational Therapy (2000)
I have worked in a nursing home and in hospitals and later in a rehabilitation center.
I co-founded Various community projects (establishing, building and managing) in addition to my regular work in the period of 2002-2018, such as: WirelessLeiden, OpenCommunityCamp and MakerspaceLeiden.
At the Center for Consiuous Orientation - an introduction to Internal Family Systems- I attended the following courses: these trainings are given by Viram Verberk and Marie le Mahieu.
I’ve been supervised by Viram Verberk, 2021 - 2023.
I’m a member of various ongoing IFS-practice groups (self-organizing).
Other trainings I completed at the IFS-institute are:
Completed training courses: Introduction week (2015), Vonk (2017), Like a God in Bali (2017), Tantra Training (2018-2022), Life and Death (2020). Currently I’m attending the Mystery School (2021-present) under the guidance of Carla Verberk and Remmelt van Kleef.
Red thread (2018), Diamond Heart Netherlands (2020-present), guided by Kyo Verberk and Marko Rinck, is a continuous group in the Ridhwan school. Within the school I currently have regular sessions with a teacher; Alex Adler.
At the Forest Movement I signed up for these training sessions:
Primitive Survival 1 (2017) at the Forest Movement led by Jurjen, Tibbe, Renske
Primitive ability 1 and 2 (2021-2022) at Bos movement working with breath, cold and shamanism.
I attended the following training courses at Essence (Humanication) in Amsterdam: Essence, Source, Source in Life, Symphony, Challenge, Beyond Doubt. These training courses are aimed at personal effectiveness, communication and project design. I assisted in various trainings.
Over the years I have gained various experiences in different settings and facilitators with inner journeys with breathwork, ayahuasca and psilocibine. (Essence)